Caton- Jones

Family Tree

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Roberts of Wakefield Pearson of Wakefield Ramsden of Wrenthrope
Richardson of hull Kinchant of Salop Caton of Linconshire


                William Heighway  
                m.11dec1715    Bishops Castle,Shropshire,
                |              Baptisms - Pontesbury, Shropshire
  Prucilla      Samuel        Martha       William      Elizabeth    Thomas       Ann    
  c.06jan1718   c.09feb1721   c.18oct1722  c.16dec1728  c.08oct1730  c.27may1732  c.17jun1733
  d.            d.            d.           d.           d.           d.           d.
                |                          |
                |                          m.14may1762 
                m.1749 Baschurch           Mary Jordan
                Husband    dau of Mary and John Husband of Eyton, Baschurch, Salop
                c.23oct1726  Myddle, Salop
                d.27may1811  aged 83 Pontesford
                |                                  christened Pontesbury
          William          Samuel        John         Richard      Thomas       Mary
          c.24may1750      c.23feb1752   c.26oct1753  c.25feb1755  c.04apr1757  c.30jan1759
          d.sep-dec1809    d.            d.           d.           d.
          |                |
          m.               m.16jul1782           info 1a
          |                |
          Jane             Martha 
          Turner?          Davies           info 1b     
          |                children christened Pontesbury
  Samuel        Catherine     William       Elizabeth     Mary          Harriet 
  c.29nov1781   c.21jul1783   c.13jun1784   c.01dec1785   c.06mar1787   c.14apr1789
  d.            d.befor1841
  |             |
  m.27feb18210  m.01jun1806 Pontesbury LDS sunmission 
  |             |
  Elizabeth     William                                     
  Lawrence      Jones    a Tanner of Pontesbury son of Samuel
sheet 2
                |         JONES LINE                                      cont
        William           Edward            Frederick          Frances     
        heighway          owen              |                  catherine    
        b.15jul1807       b.19jun1810       b.26dec1811        b.           
        c.18sep1807       c.15sep1812       c.15sep1812        c.15sep1812  
        d.25feb1841       d.                d.1881             d.          

 cont.                        JONES LINE
       Henry             Flora           Eliza            Heighway         Derwas   info 2a
       owen              |               |                |                |  
       b.                b.              b.               b.               b.~1823/4
       c.06aug1814       c.              c.               c.01oct1820      c.
       d.                d               d                d.06may1876      d.
       |                                                  |  aged57        |
       m.10apr1856                                        m.marqt1847      m.before1861
       |                                                  |                |   
       Frances eliza                                      Mary             Eliza (mary)
       Caton                                              Richards         Whitaker  
       b.                                                 b.               b.~1820                                       
       d.                                                 d.               d.19apr1876
       |                                                  |                | aged 56 
  Henry and Frances Henry and Frances No Children

    Frances eliza Caton  1st child of Richard redmond Caton and Anna maria Rideout
    c.02jul1832 Woodmancote parish church , Sussex                               
    d.30jul1928 Havant
    |                                                       info 2d
    m1.10apr1856 .............................m2.marqt1883 Fulham, London            
    |  St Oswalds Church Chester              |
    |                                         |
    Henry owen                                George erskin                             info 2e
    Jones                                     Callander          
    b?06aug1814  Wrexham Wales                b.~1839 Ryde St Helens,Isle of White
    d.junqt1881  Litchfield 6b 240            d.sepqt1898  Thorbury aged 60         info 2f 
    |            aged 67
    |        Jones line     6   children born Australia
Francis         Redmond        Eleanor        Frederick      Gwen           Michael    
catherine(Kate) harry          mary           william        ethlin         derwas     
henrietta       owen           laura          caton          georgina       goring      
b.06mar1857     b.23apr1858    b.03jun1859    b.24aug1860    b.18nov1861    b.13jan1866
d.1938          d.1955         d.             d.09jun1944    d.~1933        d.19mar1919 
|               ********       |              |              |              at Seaview,
m.11aug1883 Au                 m.~1876        m.             m.12aug1890    Isle of white
|                              |  aged17      |              | 
Charles walter                 Edward         Alice Pownell  Rev.James charles 
Cumming                        Brewer         Fielden        martin Chitty  
b.                             b.1849         b.             b.28mar1865
d.1938                         d.1906         d.             d.07jan1938 aged 72 
|                              |              |              |  
down gif down gif info 2h down gif info 2j  

sheet 3

  Frances catherine (Kate)herietta
  Jones 1st child of Frances eliza Caton and Henry owen Jones
  b.06mar1857 Melbourne Australia
  d.~jul1938                                        info 3a
  m.11aug1883 Australia 
  Charles waller son of Alexander Cumming of Perth info 3b
  d.after dec1923
  Redmond          Elsie            Laura            Derwas           Caton hugh
  harry owen       |                2nd dau          goring charles   grice/grieve  
  b.~~1885         b.               b.               b.29sep1891      b.1892
  d.03mar1922      d.               d,1939+          d.3may1918       d.1936
  |  aged 37       |                                 france           at sea
  m.05jan1910      m.
  |                | 
  Lyall wands      H.W.?
  Duval            Bates
  b,               b. 
  d.               d.before 1926
  |                |
  ============     ===============
  Redmond          6 children
  info 3c info 3d info 3e info 3f info 3g  

sheet 4

 Eleanor mary laura 
 Jones  3rd child of Frances eliza Caton and Henry owen Jones
 b.03jun1859   Australia
 d.13july1934 NSW
 m.19may1875           info 4a
 Edward richard (teddy)
 Eleanor   Emily     Laura     Edward    Elizabeth John      Olive     Redmond   Iris
 clarise   violet    sydney    godbold   francis   henry     |         victor    winifred 
 b.1877    b.1881    b.1883    b.1885    b.1887    b.1889    b.1892    b.1894    b.1897

sheet 5

 Gwen ethlin georgiana 
 Jones 5th child of Frances eliza Caton and Henry owen Jones
 b.18nov1861                                info 5b  info 5a  
 m.12aug1890  Caldicot Monmouthshire        info 5c
 Rev. James charles
 martin Chitty                          info 5e
 d.07jan1938 aged72
 |                          Chitty line                     
 |========================|==========================================|============|| info 5f
 Lily                     Rev.John                                   Rev.Derwas     
 frances                  heighway                                   james   
 b.junqt1893 Tavistock    b.19sep1898 Tavistock                      b.02jun1901 Atcham
 d.1979                   d.18aug1977                                d.19feb1971   
 ********                 |  age78                                   |
                          m.14feb1927 Church Stretton                m.05jul1943   
                          |                                          | 
                          Phyllis margaret                           Anna mary hawthorn
                          Stevens                                    kitson Clark
                          b.marqt1898 Atcham                         b.junqt1905 leeds
                          d.02jan1953                                d.01feb2005
                          |      Chitty  line                        |  Chitty line
|==============|===============|==============|=============||       |==============||
James redmond  Margaret        Rachel         Elizabeth              Anna 
harrison       ethlin          mary           georgina               georgina      
b.13jun1928    b.05jan1930     b.01dec1932    b.14feb1936            b.12jul1947
d.28apr1955    d.              d.~2004        d.                     d.
lost at sea    |               |              |                      | 
***********    m.26nov1955     m.15sep1965    m.20jun1959            m.27sep1969? 
               |               |              |                      |  
               John douglas    Alfred ernest  Derek anthony          Christopher j.
               newman Yelland  Collins        Simpson                Sanson        
               b.              b.             b.                     b.
               d.~2003         d.~2004        d.                     d.
               |                              |                      |
  ===============                             |==================||  |================||
  Phillipa  1956                              Ian david 1960
   Catherine  1958                             Peter charles 1963
     Michael   1960                             Nigel christopher 1966
       David     1962
         Stephen   1962                     

sheet 6

      Heighway Jones  8th child of Catherine Heighway and William Jones
      c.01oct1820              info 6a
      d.06may1876 aged 57    
      m.marqt1847              info 6b
      Richards             info 6c
      Heighway                 Mary 
      |                        jane    
      b.1847                   b.~1850  South Australia 
      d/                       d.
      |                        |
      m.                       m.
      |                        |

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© Angus Higham 2010
© Anna georgina Chitty 2010
© Marion Amise 2010
Updated 7th October 2022